Click the photos to see what fuels joy in my life

My essentials

I have a habit of keeping my mom worried I'm going to end up on Dateline. So far it's worked out.

Adventure Travel

The '79 Dodge vintage campervan my wife & I renovated (and lived in for 3 years!)


Beach, mountains, lakes-
you name it, I need it. 
Bonus points if it's warm.


I've been surfing, snowboarding, and rock climbing off & on for 10 years. Still mediocre at them all. 

Adventure Sports

Yes, it's a thing. Decorating cookies is incredibly meditative (and tasty).


Click the photos to see what fuels joy in my life.

My essentials

I have a habit of keeping my mom worried I'm going to end up on Dateline. So far it's worked out.

Adventure Travel

The '79 Dodge vintage campervan my wife & I renovated (and lived in for 3 years!)


Beach, mountains, lakes-
you name it, I need it. 
Bonus points if it's warm.


I've been surfing, snowboarding, and rock climbing off & on for 10 years. Still mediocre at them all. 

Adventure Sports

Yes, it's a thing. Decorating cookies is incredibly meditative (and tasty).


Black Lives Matter. Trans Rights are Human Rights.
Love is Love.
No Human is Illegal.
Allyship is earned.

Black Lives Matter. Trans Rights are Human Rights. No Human is Illegal. Love is Love. Allyship is earned.

Your audacious goals are figureoutable, attainable, and you deserve to go for it.

Making Shit Happen is less hustle / grind, and more bold + tenacious.

I believe: